var Xrm = Xrm || {}; Xrm.Portal = { User: { getAsync: async function () { var t = await Xrm.Portal.Utility.Auth.get(); return (Xrm.Portal.Utility.Auth.decode(t)); } }, Utility: { Auth: { /*authorize: function() { },*/ decode: function (token) { var base64Url = token.split('.')[1]; var base64 = decodeURIComponent(atob(base64Url).split('').map(function (c) { return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2); }).join('')); return JSON.parse(base64); }, get: function () { return $.get("/_services/auth/token"); } }, hasPage_Validators: function () { return typeof (Page_Validators) !== typeof (undefined); }, Selector: { appendSelector: function (id) { return "#" + id; }, appendLabel: function (id) { return id + "_label"; }, getByControlId: function (id) { return $(this.appendSelector(id)); }, getTextLabel: function (id) { return $(this.appendSelector(id) + "_label"); }, getLookupName: function (id) { return $(this.appendSelector(id) + "_name"); }, getLookupEntity: function (id) { return $(this.appendSelector(id) + "_entityname"); }, getByDataName: function (id) { return $("[data-name=" + id + "]"); } }, Validation: { postFix: "_Xrm_Client_Validation", required: function (control) { console.log("Validation.required -> id: " + control); var value = control.getValue(); if (value == null || value == "" || (value.hasOwnProperty("id") && ( == "" || == null))) { return false; } else { return true; } }, removeValidation: function (groupObj, control) { $(groupObj).attr("class", "info"); var l = Xrm.Portal.Utility.Selector.appendLabel(; var vid = l + this.postFix; if (Xrm.Portal.Utility.hasPage_Validators()) { Page_Validators = $.grep(Page_Validators, function (e) { return $(e).prop('controltovalidate') != "" && $(e).prop('id') != vid; } ); } }, setValidation: function (groupObj, control, isRequired, validationGroup, validationFunction, customMessage) { var id =; var l = Xrm.Portal.Utility.Selector.appendLabel(id); var vid = l + this.postFix; var g = groupObj; var c = Xrm.Portal.Utility.Selector.getByControlId(id); isRequired && $(g).attr("class", "info required"); if (Xrm.Portal.Utility.hasPage_Validators()) { Page_Validators = $.grep(Page_Validators, function (e) { return $(e).prop('controltovalidate') != "" && $(e).prop('id') != vid; } ); validationGroup = (validationGroup == null || validationGroup == "" ) && Page_Validators.length > 0 ? Page_Validators[0].validationGroup : validationGroup; var vF = validationFunction == null && isRequired ? function () { return Xrm.Portal.Utility.Validation.required(control) } : validationFunction; //retrive lable if there is no custom message var m = customMessage == null ? $(g).children("label").html() + " is a required field." : customMessage; // Create new validator var nv = document.createElement('span'); = "none"; = vid; nv.controltovalidate = id; nv.errormessage = "" + m + ""; nv.validationGroup = validationGroup; nv.initialvalue = ""; nv.evaluationfunction = vF; // Add the new validator to the page validators array: Page_Validators.push(nv); // Wire-up the click event handler of the validation summary link $("a[href='#" + l + "']").on("click", function () { scrollToAndFocus("'" + l + "'", "'" + id + "'"); }); } }, }, Event: { wireUp: function (events) { console.log("Event.wireUp -> events: " + events); for (var i in events) { var e = events[i]; if (e.hasOwnProperty("t") && e.hasOwnProperty("f")) { console.log("Event wireup -> c: " + e.c + ", t: " + e.t + ", f: " + e.f); var c = Xrm.Portal.Utility.Selector.getByControlId(e.c); //CHECK switch (e.t) { case Xrm.Portal.EventType.OnChange: this.attachOnChange(c, e.f); break; case Xrm.Portal.EventType.OnClick: alert("OnClick is not implemented"); break; default: break; } } } }, attachOnChange: function (control, callback) { console.log("attachOnChange -> control: " + control); control.change(callback); control.trigger("change"); }, removeOnChange: function (control) { console.log("attachOnChange -> control: " + control);"change"); } } }, Ui: { get: function (id) { var c = Xrm.Portal.Utility.Selector.getByDataName(id); var ct = this.getControlType(c); }, getControlType: function (c) { console.log("getControlType -> c: " + c); if (c.length > 0) { if (c.attr("class").startsWith("tab")) { return this.controlType.Tab; } else if (c.attr("class").startsWith("section")) { return this.controlType.Section; } } }, controlType: { Tab: 1, Section: 2 } }, Form: { Validation: { assertRegex: function (cid, exp, message, isRequired) { Xrm.Portal.Form.get(cid).setRequired(isRequired, function () { if (!isRequired && Xrm.Portal.Form.get(cid).getValue() == "") return true; else return exp.test(Xrm.Portal.Form.get(cid).getValue()); }, message); }, denyPastDate: function (cid, message, isRequired) { Xrm.Portal.Form.get(cid).setRequired(isRequired, function () { if (!isRequired && Xrm.Portal.Form.get(cid).getValue() == "") return true; else return new Date() <= new Date(Xrm.Portal.Form.get(cid).getValue()); }, message); }, denyFutureDate: function (cid, message, isRequired) { Xrm.Portal.Form.get(cid).setRequired(isRequired, function () { if (!isRequired && Xrm.Portal.Form.get(cid).getValue() == "") return true; else return new Date() >= new Date(Xrm.Portal.Form.get(cid).getValue()); }, message); }, compareDates: function (mainid, subid, message, isRequired) { Xrm.Portal.Form.get(mainid).setRequired(isRequired, function () { if (!isRequired && Xrm.Portal.Form.get(mainid).getValue() == "") return true; else return new Date(Xrm.Portal.Form.get(mainid).getValue()) > new Date(Xrm.Portal.Form.get(subid).getValue()) }, message); }, setNumberRange: function (cid, min, max, message, isRequired) { Xrm.Portal.Form.get(cid).setRequired(isRequired, function () { var isMin = true, isMax = true; if (min != undefined) { isMin = Xrm.Portal.Form.get(cid).getValue() >= min; } if (max != undefined) { isMax = Xrm.Portal.Form.get(cid).getValue() <= max; } if (!isRequired && Xrm.Portal.Form.get(cid).getValue() == "") return true; else return isMin && isMax; }, message); } }, get: function (id) { var c = Xrm.Portal.Utility.Selector.getByControlId(id); var ct, v; if (c != undefined && c.length > 0) { ct = this.getControlType(c); } else { c = Xrm.Portal.Utility.Selector.getByDataName(id); ct = this.getUiControlType(c); } switch (ct) { case this.controlType.DatetimePicker: v = new Xrm.Portal.Control.DatetimePicker(c); break; case this.controlType.Radio: v = new Xrm.Portal.Control.Radio(c); break; case this.controlType.Checkbox: v = new Xrm.Portal.Control.Checkbox(c); break; case this.controlType.Lookup: v = new Xrm.Portal.Control.Lookup(c); break; case this.controlType.Tab: v = new Xrm.Portal.Control.Tab(c); break; case this.controlType.Section: v = new Xrm.Portal.Control.Section(c); break; default: v = new Xrm.Portal.Control.Generic(c); break; } return v; }, getUiControlType: function (c) { console.log("getUiControlType: -> c: " + c); if (c.length > 0) { if (c.attr("class").startsWith("tab")) { return this.controlType.Tab; } else if (c.attr("class").startsWith("section")) { return this.controlType.Section; } } }, getControlType: function (c) { console.log("getControlType -> c: " + c); if (c.length > 0) { if (c.attr("data-ui") == "datetimepicker") { return this.controlType.DatetimePicker; } else if (c.attr("type") == "checkbox") { return this.controlType.Checkbox; } else if (c.attr("type") == "hidden") { return this.controlType.Lookup; } else if (c.attr("class") != null && (c.attr("class").startsWith("boolean-radio") || c.attr("class").startsWith("picklist horizontal") || c.attr("class").startsWith("picklist vertical"))) { return this.controlType.Radio; } else { return this.controlType.Control; } } }, controlType: { Control: 1, Lookup: 2, DatetimePicker: 3, Radio: 4, Checkbox: 5, Tab: 100, Section: 101 } }, Control: { Tab: function (c) { this.s = Xrm.Portal.Utility.Selector; = $(c).prop("id"); this.c = c; this.getValue = function () { throw "not implemented"; }; this.setValue = function (value) { throw "not implemented"; }; this.setVisible = function (isVisible, isMandatory) { var g = this.c; //this.setRequired(isVisible && isMandatory); isVisible ? g.parent().show() : g.parent().hide(); }; this.setDisable = function (isDisabled) { throw "not implemented"; }; this.setRequired = function (isRequired, customFunction, customMessage) { throw "not implemented"; c.children().each(function () { Xrm.Portal.Form.get(, customFunction, customMessage); }); }; }, Section: function (c) { this.s = Xrm.Portal.Utility.Selector; = $(c).prop("id"); this.c = c; this.getValue = function () { throw "not implemented"; }; this.setValue = function (value) { throw "not implemented"; }; this.setVisible = function (isVisible, isMandatory) { var g = this.c; //this.setRequired(isVisible && isMandatory); isVisible ? g.parent().show() : g.parent().hide(); }; this.setDisable = function (isDisabled) { throw "not implemented"; }; this.setRequired = function (isRequired, customFunction, customMessage) { throw "not implemented"; c.children().each(function () { Xrm.Portal.Form.get(, customFunction, customMessage); }); }; }, Generic: function (c) { this.s = Xrm.Portal.Utility.Selector; = $(c).prop("id"); = document.getElementById( + '_cc'); this.c = c; = ""; this.getValue = function () { return this.c.val(); }; this.setValue = function (value) { this.c.val(value); if ( != null); return this; }; this.setVisible = function (isVisible, isMandatory) { var g = this.c.parent().parent(); this.setRequired(isMandatory); isVisible ? : g.hide(); return this; }; this.setDisable = function (isDisabled) { this.c.prop('disabled', isDisabled); return this; }; this.setRequired = function (isRequired, customFunction, customMessage) { var g = c.parent().siblings(".info"); isRequired || customFunction != undefined ? Xrm.Portal.Utility.Validation.setValidation(g, this, isRequired,, customFunction, customMessage) : Xrm.Portal.Utility.Validation.removeValidation(g, this); return this; }; this.attachOnChange = function (callback) { Xrm.Portal.Utility.Event.attachOnChange(this.c, callback); return this; }; this.removeOnChange = function () { Xrm.Portal.Utility.Event.removeOnChange(this.c); return this; }; this.setValidationGroup = function(g) { = g; return this; }; }, Lookup: function (c) { this.s = Xrm.Portal.Utility.Selector; = $(c).prop("id"); this.cL = c; this.cN = this.s.getLookupName(; this.cE = this.s.getLookupEntity(; = ""; this.getValue = function () { return { "id": this.cL.val(), "name": this.cN.val(), "logicalname": this.cE.val() }; }; this.setValue = function (value, name, logicalName) { if (value != null && value.hasOwnProperty('id') && value.hasOwnProperty('name') && value.hasOwnProperty('logicalname')) { this.cL.val(; this.cN.val(; this.cE.val(value.logicalname); } else { this.cL.val(value); this.cN.val(name); this.cE.val(logicalName); } return this; }; this.setVisible = function (isVisible, isMandatory) { this.setRequired(isMandatory); var g = this.cL.parent().parent().parent(); isVisible ? : g.hide(); return this; }; this.setDisable = function (isDisabled) { this.cN.prop('disabled', isDisabled); this.cN.siblings('div.input-group-btn').toggle(!isDisabled); return this; }; this.setRequired = function (isRequired, customFunction, customMessage) { var g = this.cL.parent().parent().siblings(".info"); isRequired || customFunction != undefined ? Xrm.Portal.Utility.Validation.setValidation(g, this, isRequired,, customFunction, customMessage) : Xrm.Portal.Utility.Validation.removeValidation(g, this); return this; }; this.attachOnChange = function (callback) { Xrm.Portal.Utility.Event.attachOnChange(this.cL, callback); return this; }; this.removeOnChange = function () { Xrm.Portal.Utility.Event.removeOnChange(this.cL); return this; }; this.setValidationGroup = function(g) { = g; return this; }; }, Checkbox: function (c) { this.s = Xrm.Portal.Utility.Selector; = $(c).prop("id"); this.c = c; = ""; this.getValue = function () { return this.c.prop("checked"); }; this.setValue = function (value) { this.c.prop("checked", value); return this; }; this.setVisible = function (isVisible, isMandatory) { var g = this.c.parent().parent().parent(); this.setRequired(isMandatory); isVisible ? : g.hide(); return this; }; this.setDisable = function (isDisabled) { this.c.prop('disabled', isDisabled); return this; }; this.setRequired = function (isRequired, customFunction, customMessage) { var g = c.parent().parent().siblings(".info"); isRequired || customFunction != undefined ? Xrm.Portal.Utility.Validation.setValidation(g, this, isRequired,, customFunction, customMessage) : Xrm.Portal.Utility.Validation.removeValidation(g, this); return this; }; this.attachOnChange = function (callback) { Xrm.Portal.Utility.Event.attachOnChange(this.c, callback); return this; }; this.removeOnChange = function () { Xrm.Portal.Utility.Event.removeOnChange(this.c); return this; }; this.setValidationGroup = function(g) { = g; return this; }; }, Radio: function (c) { this.s = Xrm.Portal.Utility.Selector; = $(c).prop("id"); this.c = c; = ""; this.getValue = function () { return this.c.children(":checked").val(); }; this.setValue = function (value) { this.c.children("[value*=" + value + "]").attr("checked", true); return this; }; this.setVisible = function (isVisible, isMandatory) { var g = this.c.parent().parent(); this.setRequired(isMandatory); isVisible ? : g.hide(); return this; }; this.setDisable = function (isDisabled) { this.c.children().prop("disabled", isDisabled); return this; }; this.setRequired = function (isRequired, customFunction, customMessage) { var g = c.parent().siblings(".info"); isRequired || customFunction != undefined ? Xrm.Portal.Utility.Validation.setValidation(g, this, isRequired,, customFunction, customMessage) : Xrm.Portal.Utility.Validation.removeValidation(g, this); return this; }; this.attachOnChange = function (callback) { Xrm.Portal.Utility.Event.attachOnChange(this.c, callback); return this; }; this.removeOnChange = function () { Xrm.Portal.Utility.Event.removeOnChange(this.c); return this; }; this.setValidationGroup = function(g) { = g; return this; }; }, DatetimePicker: function (c) { this.s = Xrm.Portal.Utility.Selector; = $(c).prop("id"); this.c = c; = ""; this.getValue = function () { return this.c.val(); }; this.setValue = function (value) { this.c.val(value); return this; }; this.setVisible = function (isVisible, isMandatory) { var g = this.c.parent().parent(); this.setRequired(isMandatory); isVisible ? : g.hide(); return this; }; this.setDisable = function (isDisabled) { this.s.getTextLabel('disabled', isDisabled); return this; }; this.setRequired = function (isRequired, customFunction, customMessage) { var g = c.parent().siblings(".info"); isRequired || customFunction != undefined ? Xrm.Portal.Utility.Validation.setValidation(g, this, isRequired,, customFunction, customMessage) : Xrm.Portal.Utility.Validation.removeValidation(g, this); return this; }; this.attachOnChange = function (callback) { Xrm.Portal.Utility.Event.attachOnChange(this.c, callback); return this; }; this.removeOnChange = function () { Xrm.Portal.Utility.Event.removeOnChange(this.c); return this; }; this.setValidationGroup = function(g) { = g; return this; }; }, }, EventType: { OnChange: 1, OnClick: 2 } };